Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cold Skin...Warm Heart!

So I thought it was funny that I took a picture of the thermometer in our car when it said 5 degrees, cuz now that's not even cold! The other day it got to -12 at night and when we went out in the morning it was -9. It's so much fun to tract in that weather!
OK... so cool story... E. Coakley and I went to our investigator's house last night. He was an investigator five years ago but had recently just started talking with missionaries again. When we got there we gave him a big print Book of Mormon/Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price because he has trouble with small print. As we walked in and before we sat down I saw a couple books that he had checked out of the Clifton Park Library about our church. I was looking through them and he said he had read them all (2 books about 200 pages each.) Then he said wait a minute and came back with 4 more that he had just skimmed through. We were like wow Wayne you have been doing some serious reading. We ended up just answering questions he had picked up from reading. All this reading had been done in the past 1 1/2 weeks. He is such a great guy and is really looking good for baptism. He said we have it the most right of any church.
I love you and miss you like crazy...Elder Louw

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