Monday, September 8, 2008

Strong Families Build Stripling Warriors

No, I don't get to distracted out here. Me and my comp work really hard and have got a lot of good stuff accomplished lately. Mostly though we are just blessed with stuff falling into our laps at the end of the day when we have worked hard. Like yesterday, there is this kid who had a baptismal date but was gone doing stuff for the army for the past month and we couldn't talk to him the entire time but we thought we were going to be able to so we were getting worried. Then he just randomly showed up at church without telling us and we were like, wow! When did you get back and why didn't you tell us, ha ha. We talked with him after church and taught him a lesson. At first he was like "let's put off my date cuz I have not been here for a while." Then we busted him up with the Spirit by letting him know that he has a testimony (he didn't think he had one) and then he was all pumped about it and was like "let's do it this weekend." We were so happy! It was great! But ya just stuff like that and finding new investigators at the end of the week when we are below the standards of excellence. The Lord will bless you with so many blessings when you are obedient... it's crazy! He really is just waiting for us to chose the right so he can bless us.

This is something i wanted to relate to mom and to the whole family because all the rest of you sisters are basically my mom at one point or another. But it's in Alma 56 where it talks about the 2000 stripling warriors and how they had such great faith in the Lord because their mothers had taught them so well. I was reading my patriarchal blessing and was really enjoying like I always do but I was getting really nervous because of the things it told me would happen later in my life if I am righteous. Then I remembered that scripture Alma 56:47-48 and I know that the Lord with bless me. So all I have to do now is keep being good and everything will work out. Basically what I'm saying is thanks mom and sisters, and of course dad for always helping me to build my faith. You guys are great and I love you all so much.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

When Izak said 'sisters' did he mean Leslie's sisters too? I was hoping! That was beautiful... it made my day. We are so blessed to have such a great kid in our family circle and he's out there serving with heart. WOW ! (that's MOM, only upside-down)