Saturday, June 20, 2009

Teaching by the Spirit is Great

This last week was not high in numbers but we found a new investigator and he is really cool. He is the son of a less active member who has not been to church in like 40 years. He was raised Catholic by his dad but is really open to everything. He had been gone for school the whole time I have been here so I had only met him once when he was back on a weekend. But school is over now and he has moved back in with his parents. He is 27 and just graduated with a masters in phys-ed. Anyways to the good stuff... we went back on Thursday for our appointment with him and taught him the plan of salvation but first answered some of his why do we believe in god? It was really fun because Elder Taylor answered, then we taught him the plan of salvation mixed with temples, and then I bore testimony to him of why I believe in God and it's because of this plan which includes coming to earth in a family. It was probably the most scriptural/testimony based plan of salvation I have ever taught! Now I don't know if he is going to be baptized or anything but I loved teaching that lesson. We gave him a Book of Mormon after and a few assignments. He was all for it. I'm excited to go back.

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