Saturday, December 5, 2009

Moving to Malone 11-30-2009

It’s hard being in Malone now. I feel so far away from everything and since I had been in Greene so long it was like I was leaving home again and going to a far away place were I would know nobody. But it’s all working out. My new comp Elder Johnson is a cool, really funny guy from California. He is trying to make me feel at home. The branch is really small, about 30-40 people show up. I had a ten min talk yesterday for my first Sunday (didn’t know I was speaking till five minutes before sacrament, it was great.) Then Elder Johnson and I taught the combined meeting (the missionaries always teach every 5th Sunday.) So they put me to work fast in this branch. It’s sort of weird though cuz pretty much all the people are converts to the church and so most of them don’t really know the system of things. Our teaching pool is pretty small, only like 5-6 investigators but we have been doing a lot of finding so hopefully we will be able to pick it up soon.

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