Monday, January 25, 2010

New Distrct Leader Duties

Being district leader...well I have to make phone calls on Monday night, Wednesday and Sunday (at least I think so ha ha) to collect the weekly numbers of people talked to, new investigators, and lessons. I’m also supposed to check up and see if they are having any problems or to see if I can help them out in any way. I will be going on what we call exchanges which is where we swap companions for the day and night then swap back. It gives missionaries the opportunity to see how other missionaries work, to learn from other missionaries, and it’s good if two missionaries don’t get along then I can try to give advice to help them or at least tell President Bulloch so he can. I talked to the zone leaders last night and they said that the role of a district leader is changing a little starting this transfer. They said I’m going to be getting more responsibilities so Tuesday I’ll find out what that means. It makes my nights a lot busier. My new Companion is Elder Burbank from Wyoming.

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