Friday, October 10, 2008

Homesick & The Abyss

General Conference was so much fun. I enjoyed it so much. This is the first time that I have ever taken notes during every single session. But I'm not going to lie, it made me homesick not being able to snuggle up in a blanket with the fam and watch it or go to priesthood with dad... I really missed that. But one thing I know and have learned more of while being out here is that life goes on and there is no time to sit around and mope about it. There are people to see and things to be done...especially clean my new apartment. The missionary here before me was a slob. Elder Lybbert told me he was just becoming lazy throughout his mission in regards to cleaning. My closet was so gross. I called it the abyss. I would not even put my clothes in it until I cleaned it. I just can't take it sometimes how some people out here, missionaries and people in general can live in such disgusting circumstances. Don't worry mom, I definitely do my part out here to keep things clean.


Maria said...

Thanks for posting all these Leslie. I'm copying and pasting and printing them to send to Skyler.

Lisa said...

I love to read them too! what a kid!

Laura said...

I enjoy reading your comments about your mission. I am very happy you chose to go on a mission to serve the Lord. I thought I had to send a note about the definition of success because of your comment about what the Mission President and assistants expect.
Remember to set the right kinds of goals that involve YOUR agency, not someone else's. You can set a goal to teach "x" lessons each week because you can meet that goal if you work hard. You cannot set a goal of "x" baptisms a month because you cannot choose to make that commitment for someone else. You can never take away their agency. So...
You are a success if you share the Gospel even if the people choose not to accept it. All we can do is offer the gift.
Praying for your real success...
Aunt Laura