Sunday, October 5, 2008

Transfered to Gloversville & 3 Great Experiences

Well, first off I'm getting transferred. I'm going to be serving in Gloversville, about and hour south of Utica. K so are you ready for this, your never going to believe this... my companion is going to be my friend, Elder Lybbert, from Orem who I told you guys about. The one who has family in Canada. Well, anyways it's just so crazy that we are going to be serving together. The odds are so slim.

1. Well last week Saturday was way awesome. Jeff Pettis, one of our investigators, was baptized at Lake Bonepart at a member's home. It was such a cool experience. There were three of us in the water helping him. We all had to be in because he has a very bad back and knees so he could not bend down very good.

2. Another really cool experience we had was the other night on Fort Drum we went to visit the single soldier who is a little less active. He was been dealing with some tough things that he has picked up in the army. Anyways we shared the talk with him, "It's true isn't it, then what else matters" by Niel L. Andersen, May 2007 Ensign, then just chit chatted for a bit, and right before we left Elder Vogelsang asked if we could do anything for him cuz we always offer our service and he was like, no, I'm OK. But then Elder Vogelsang asked him if he would like a priesthood blessing. (He said that the spirit had been pushing him to ask.) The soldier's face suddenly seemed brighter and he accepted with enthusiasm. We gave him a blessing. He cried for about five minutes after and thanked us before we left. The power of the Holy Ghost (if we are worthy of it) is real and so is the power of the priesthood.

3. Here is one other experience really quick. We were at a member's home teaching some investigators last night. Which is always the best way to teach so that the members can bear testimony. We taught the restoration and the husband member bore his testimony about the Book of Mormon, temples, prayer, and the priesthood. It helped so much. Member missionary work is so important because if you can be in a member's home were the spirit is residing the investigators will feel it so much more.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, those stories made me get all misty eyed! Izak, you are awesome.