Monday, September 22, 2008

Sheet Rock Service

I got to do some service the other day where we helped this guy put up sheet rock in a house he is trying to finish before winter. He and his wife are new investigators. It was really fun because it felt like I was at home working with dad doing re-models. Elder Vogelsang, before he came out did a lot of sheet rock and mudding so he mudded.

Well everything is going pretty well here. I can't believe that this could be my last week in Carthage or I could stay here and be the person that has to "know" the area. That would be really scary cuz I still feel so new and unsure about a lot of stuff. I will let you know next week what happens. Well this week was really fun, we did a lot of service, taught a few less lessons (23 last week) but some of the lessons were really great. Craig Bukowski, the person I baptized a week ago has been so great. He always likes going with us to teach other people. He says that's the way he learns the most. Plus it's great to have his new member zeal and testimony because he can relate with people in ways we can't.

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