Monday, December 8, 2008


I got to watch the Christmas devotional last night by the first presidency. It was so good to hear from them. I think I have decided that's one of the hardest things I have had to deal with from leaving Utah to be a missionary somewhere else in the world. In Utah you are constantly surrounded by strong testimonies that help and support yours. Out here we are talking to people everyday that either don't believe in JESUS CHRIST or GOD, have very little faith in him, or their faith has been weakened and want us to help them strengthen it..... which drains my spiritual strength. If I didn't read my scriptures, go to church and take the sacrament each week, and say like 20 prayers a day I would never make it out here. I'm not saying my testimony is gone I'm just saying I miss the strength of the people I was surrounded by back home. I hope I never take advantage of being in Utah again. It is such a beautiful place to live, physically and spiritually!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi sis! This one tugs at my heart strings. I miss that kid. I am going to send a Christmas card today to tell him my testimony and send my love. Thanks for keeping me posted.