Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowed in and Waiting for Christmas

We got our transfer calls Saturday and I'm going to Glenville, which is about 40 mins. from Gloversville. I am excited to be in a ward again. The Glenville area has one of the biggest wards in the mission. My new comp is going to be Elder Coakley. He has been out for a little over a year and was my district leader. Wednesday was fun. We went to Utica for the half mission conference. I got a couple of packages from the you guys but I'm waiting for Christmas to open them. It's so hard not to open them. There is nothing harder then being a missionary and not opening your mail. I'm sad to be leaving the area but I'm glad at the same time. I love the Wilsons (senior couple) and I'm going to miss them so much. They have been one of the highlights of this area...that's for sure.

We have spent the last three days basically sitting in our house cuz our car got grounded and it would take too long to walk to the people we are teaching. We did a little tracting but tracking in this area is really ineffective. The temp last night got down to -15 or -20 with the wind chill.

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