Saturday, December 5, 2009

Amazing Mission Conference 10-19-2009

At the mission conference, Elder Marlin K. Jensen and Elder Cook of the Seventy and their wives spoke to us. It was so amazing. Elder Jensen knows so much about church history. We learned about faith. Pistis-(faith) a mutual trust or loyalty between two persons based on a contract, backed by collateral. Pistis is the Greek word for faith, so when St. Paul or Peter or any one in the New Testament was talking about faith they were probably referring to that definition. It’s good to think that faith in God is not a one way thing. The collateral part is HUGE. When we put up more collateral (are willing to obey more of the commandments) we are given more faith by God. That’s a very simplified version. Alma 32:27 plays a big part in the teachings. Also at the conference there was a competition about who knew their companions best... Elder Williams and I won!

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