Thursday, April 1, 2010

Letter from Greene

We are working with a couple cool families right now and we just got one of them to agree to come to church next week. I recently got a letter from a lady in my last area, Greene, responding to a letter I wrote her. In her letter she thanked me for walking up to her one summer day and talking to her because now her life has changed. I can't write everything that was in the letter but basically it lifted me up and helped me to realize that even though some times I may think I'm not making a difference out some people I really am but just might not know it. She now has a baptismal date for April. I bore my testimony in church about it in an impromptu talk I gave because there was only one speaker. It really touched me more then I realized and as I began to speak, as I stood at the pulpit I began to feel the Savior's love as I spoke to the people of the congregation and my leaky pipes began to flow. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass and I know the Lord loves all of us and is so pleased when we enter his fold. I truly have a testimony of the Savior and his love for us and that this work we are engaged in is true.

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