Friday, April 23, 2010

Still Working, Teaching, and Learning

We just did training at zone conference on "the prayer of faith." We spent a week preparing it and it really taught me a lot. I’m still working on making my prayers better and then making my actions better to follow up with them. We have been so blessed to find a lot of new potential investigators that have been inviting us back and a few new investigators who are really solid. Two weeks ago we had four investigators come to church. Sadly only one came yesterday but it will pick up again this coming week. Man I just love sharing the gospel with those who have a humble heart and are willing to listen. I think that without fail every time we talk to someone, they had a different view about Mormons but now they understand the LDS Church) a lot more and are almost always more interested in what we have to say. Sometimes it only takes five minutes or less before they realize how different we are from what they thought. There is a talk called "Come unto Christ" by Elder Eyring (1989) about member missionary work. He says that the Lord will send his prepared people to his prepared servants. It has been so neat to see the blessings of the Lord come upon our companionship as we try to prepare ourselves each time we leave our apartment. Sometimes it’s so hard to win our inner battles over pride and other sins but the lord sure blesses you when you do. (Ha, that sounded kind of prideful....didn’t mean it like that!)

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