Friday, April 3, 2009

Passing Out the Book of Mormon

Well this week flew by and I can tell the next five are going to as well because Elder Taylor and I have such a good time!

First Story: So a couple weeks ago I went on splits with a zone leader and we ended up finding this girl, talking to her for a bit, and then giving her a Book of Mormon. We stopped by and didn’t see her the following week but just last week we stopped by again and she had read the entire Book of Mormon and prayed about it. She said the she knew it was true!!! That was the first time on my mission that anyone has ever done that. She said she just likes to read. But of course to every investigator there is a snag... she has this lame boy friend who is a real jerk and doesn’t like us very much. Hopefully she will end up going to church and he won’t be so mad at her. But ya she is awesome.

Next Story: So Schenectady is a pretty hairy place in some parts of the city. Anyways we decided to go there and just walk around and talk to people and hand out cards and stuff like that. Well we ended up talkin to a bunch of people, some crazy, some weird, some really nice, and of course some real gangstas. Oddly enough the gangsters were the nicest and the most interested of them all. It was really cool talking to them. We ended up giving one guy a Book of Mormon. He said he would definitely check it out.

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