Monday, April 13, 2009

What's an OYM?

I really enjoyed general conference. President Eckersley gave everyone in the mission these little books so we could print and minimize conference talks from Ensigns. So now I carry around a bunch of conference talks with my scriptures so I can share modern scripture as well. Elder Taylor and I have about 6-7 cool lessons we use to teach people which makes the work a lot more fun. Basically we just try to be a little more creative with our lessons so we don't get board teaching the same ones over and over. The work is going good. Still no baptismal dates but hopefully this weekend this lady and her daughter will have one. Say a little prayer for her. I have decided that the new most fun thing to do is to OYM (open your mouth) people. The other day when I was on an exchange in Gloversville, we were walking around and stopped to talk to this guy who was picking up sticks from his yard. We offered to help but he declined. After that we did an OYM...just started up a conversation. It wandered from topic to topic while we answered some of his random questions (polygamy,etc.) but finally ended on the Book of Mormon. It was just so fun to see things start to click in his head and have him agree to read the Book of Mormon. I guess it's just fun to mix up your day by talking to a bunch of random people.

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