Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Craziest Adventure

Here's one of the craziest adventures I've had yet. So there are these investigators we have. I guess they have been investigating for a long time and have just not been making any progress, basically they just like the missionaries, but they are cool none the less. So we went over and when we knocked on their door nobody answered. So we walked around back and there they were trying to get their one horse back in its stall. They are moving so they have to sell their horses. Anyways he would not go in his stall. He was just running around. So they would try to corner him and every time he would either run past so fast or someone would move cuz they thought they were going to get plastered by a 900 pound horse (I almost did a couple of times.) So we finally had the horse cornered in the far end of the field when Jerry decided to hit him on the butt with a board because he was mad at him. Not a good idea. The horse decided he had had enough so he jumped the electric fence, landing on it, then darting out toward the road. We went out after him up this hill on another farmer's land. It was this nasty marshy wetland and I got soaked in my suit pants and white shirt. Mud and horse poop were all over my shoes. It took about and hour and a half but we finally got the horse back in the coral. So now I can say I chased a horse in my white shirt and tie through a swamp. Not many missionaries can say that. My suit definitely needed dry cleaning. Don't worry my shoes don't smell bad any more. I took the hose to them.

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