Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stayin Happy

On Friday, July 11th, the zone leaders came into our area and worked a blitz with us. We went to look up a former investigator and it turned out to be really cool. This lady had investigated for just over a year but reached a state were no more progress was being made because of a few hang ups so the missionaries dropped her. When we got there she was really nice and welcoming. She was surprised to see us because she thought missionaries would never stop again because she was not progressing. Well turns out she had not picked up the Book of Mormon since the missionaries last visit but that morning we stopped by she pulled it out and read a little. I told her I don't believe in coincidences and she said she didn't either. We had a really good talk and I mentioned something about the great apostasy. She said she had never heard of it. So I gave her a long scripture chain about it and she said she would study them all. It all went so well. I don't know if she will get baptized but I think we shed some really good light on her and I felt really good our visit. So the work is going forward and I'm stayin happy.

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