Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prepare then Pray

So the lady we met last week was our last stop for tonight and as we were leaving her next door neighbor (a recently reactivated member) I said a quick prayer that the spirit would guide us. After we had small talked for about 3-5 minutes I said the opening prayer to our conversation and prayed that the spirit would be with each of us to guide us and direct us to truth. We spent the next hour and a half answering questions she had but the most amazing part of it was Elder Westra and I were quoting scriptures like we never had before. I was pulling scriptures out of places I didn't know I had. Left and Right. It was one of, if not the most spirit directed lessons I ever had. It was the absolute epitome of D&C 11:21 and 84:85. We have been working hard and studying, "treasuring up", and facing discouragement every day but the Lord knows when we really need him and he is there every time. Last night the Lord was by my side and I know that for a fact. The scriptures I came up with and the things I said were not my own. I don't know if that lady will end up getting baptized for sure but I do know two things. I gained a greater testimony of the gospel and I planted a powerful seed in the Lord's way!
Always pray for guidance and always prepare yourself because if we pray for guidance but don't prepare the spirit will not guide.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, that is so great! I love hearing these missionary stories. I wish I was there to hear the converstaion.